Coming Soon...

Permission to Let it All Go follows the journey of a first generation Muslim American struggling to reconcile her inner and outer worlds.

Her often heartbreaking stories illustrate how many like Iffath grow up with deep-rooted feelings of fear, guilt and shame, denying their true desires and feeling helpless.

Readers will witness the moments that enable her to question what no longer serves her and let it all go, finally releasing the self-loathing that burdened her from childhood.

This book is written to show you that anyone can follow their own path, drop suffering and unapologetically embrace life.

Download the Opening Scene of My Book

I’m both happy and a little freaked out that you’re here…

Freaked out because this means that my story is about to be available to whoever chooses to read it. And even though that’s what I want, it’s mildly terrifying to be so open and vulnerable. 

Yet I am happy for those of you who are on your personal development journey open to new perspectives and possibly even a breakthrough. 

Hey, I’m Iffath

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